Saturday, June 5, 2010

Arrived Safely in Kuwait

Whow it is hot in Kuwait!  My travels to Kuwait were uneventful.  We are here for a few days than off to Afghanistan.  If it was not for the heat and the sand, Kuwait is actually a nice place to rest and get ready for the next stage.  It has all the little things that make deployments less difficult (e.g., Starbucks and WiFi and several other amenities).  I have managed to spend most of my time at Starbucks chatting and Skyping with Stephanie and the kids.  Technology (air conditioning included) and coffee are awesome and have increased my morale tremedously.  Here are a few photos of my short time in Kuwait.

Soaking up the rays. I probably should wear a hat.

I have the hat plus 40 pounds.

Kuwait now has a special place in my heart. 

Mother and baby camels

Universal, even in the desert.

The sunsets are beautiful and highly desired because of the heat.

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