Friday, July 16, 2010

Interesting Week

I realized that the top three priorities, that I will focus on, are Routine Analyzer Maintenance and Quality Control, Training and Competency Assessment, and General Laboratory Safety.  I chose these three fundamental areas because they are critical to patient and laboratory staff safety.  I hope that my counterparts agree.

This week was very interesting to say the least.  We had multple supply deliveries, in-service training, discussions with an NGO on training for the Afghans in advanced lab technoloies (i.e., Polymerase Chain Reaction), and many discussions on what is sustainable and what is not in Afghanistan.  Sustainability is a very tough question.  To sustain something means to give support or relief.  The question is: how do we help the Afghans to sustain their own system?  I wish I knew the answer to this complex question.

Lecture held on the biochemistry analyzer

Afghan soldiers drilling

CO2 Cylinder delivery for anaerobic bacteriology

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